So, school started two weeks ago, and I still can't believe it. Neither can Jaxon. Where did Kam, Halli, and Zack go? The only thing that takes away some sadness for Jaxon is the garbage truck on Monday mornings. The only thing that takes away my sadness is a morning nap with Jaxon, which is much needed after our morning school routine.
Kamryn started middle school!!! So crazy. So fun! She loves it--the locker, changing teachers and rooms for each class, making new friends, sitting anywhere and with anyone at lunch, trying an intrument (the cornet--a small trumpet), so many fun new things. I asked her if she misses middle school and she said no way! Her morning starts at 5:30 and her bus comes at 6:56. My first reaction was, WHAT TIME? I still feel that way. TOO EARLY. So once we get Kam on the bus, we start with Halli's and Zack's morning.
Halli loves 5th grade. After an extremely difficult year in 4th grade, Halli's first couple weeks of 5th have been great. She has an amazing teacher who visits each student's house in the first month of school. We had our visit already and that made Halli love her teacher even more. She is making some good friends and having fun--really what I mostly care about as a mom since I know all three kids are great students (they get their smarts from Lance). She is happy after school and tells me all the great things about her day.
Zack thinks 2nd grade rocks! He got to loop with his 1st grade teacher and he and I are both so happy to have her as a teacher again. He also has his best buddies from 1st in his class again. He is already racing along--his teacher sent me an emailing saying after testing Zack in reading, that he is now in a High Challenge Reading Program. He loves to read when he can sit still long enough. But as much as he loves school, he is always eager to come home and turn our house into Lego Star Wars with whatever he can find.
Poor Jax. Stuck with me. I just don't make car noises the way Zack does or chase him the way the girls do. But I am a great companion for watching the garbage truck!
Here's to a great beginning of a new school year! Bring on 2nd, 5th, and middle school! Oh, and diapers and sippy cups!