Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Brotherly Love

When my brothers and I were little, my mom kept a notebook of the funny things we would say. A few years ago, one of my brothers made it into a book and gave each of us a copy. It is priceless. He gave them to us when we were all together one Christmas, and we all sat around reading the book, laughing so hard. Every day with guilt I think I should be blogging or writing down all the things my kids say so they can do the same thing one day. So here is the latest...more sweet than funny. We were all at the park this weekend and Zack asked to hold Jaxon while Lance took a couple pictures of us. As we were all getting up to leave, I heard Zack quietly say to Jax, "Jaxon, I will always be your pal and your bro."
The next one is not so sweet. Last night as I was feeding Jaxon, Zack in his fourth attempt to get out of bedtime, asked if he could "pick" Jaxon. (This is probably gross to anyone not related to monkeys). Anyway, Zack likes to pick the lint between Jaxon's toes. Yes, I know, gross. So, he asked, "Can I pick Jaxon's toes? Everyone needs a good picking before they go to sleep."


Amy said...

So sweet of Zack - however, I'm going to keep an eye on him when I'm around him getting ready for bed!

Rainie said...

So sweet. I love the bro comment. He's a good guy!!!

Tolmans said...

welcome back to the blogwagon!! and who taught you how to do the pictures?!?! i am loving the blog!!